Frontpage, The Limits of Heritage. © International Cultural Center, Krakow, Poland.

The political instrumentalization of historical objects as heritage is a continuous historical phenomenon. The reproduction of the historical object in this process is particularly important. With its reproduction and therefore re-contextualization (a certain) meaning is attributed to the object. “Aura” according to Walter Benjamin represents a special form of meaning. In the contrary to the thesis of Benjamin, the paper argues that the “Aura” of historical objects is not destroyed by technical reproduction but the opposite. Starting with a brief theoretical reflection on Benjamin’s thought it elaborates its subject on the basis of the perception of antique works of art in modern Europe. Based on examples of the fate of historical objects during the Yugoslav Wars (1991-1999 (2004)) it locates its subject in a contemporary context.

Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: Anti „Aura“: the Use of Heritage in the Politics of the Yugoslav Wars (1991-1999 (2004)). In: Jagodzinska, Katarzyna / Purchla, Jacek (eds.): The Limits of Heritage / The 2nd Heritage Forum of Central Europe. Krakow, 2015, pp. 178-195.

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